An Experiment with Labels

Amar Pandit , CFA , CFP

This is an experiment in Reframing, and I am curious to know what you think of it…

Instead of calling equities or stocks, what if we started calling it Ownership (which it essentially is)?

For example, instead of saying, I am buying these stocks, say I am buying these Businesses, or I am investing in these businesses…

Instead of saying “I have 70% exposure to equity”, say “I have invested 70% of my money in owning some of the finest companies in India or the world

70% Equity Allocation is replaced by 70% Ownership Allocation 

Similarly, Debt replaced by Loanership… 

Let us focus on Equity only for the moment.

The way I look at investments is that I am not buying stocks or investing in the market… but I am owning a diversified portfolio of high-quality companies… In essence, I am a minority owner of a diversified portfolio of companies… 

This is my way… What is yours?