What do you think of the market?

Amar Pandit , CFA , CFP

This is a very common question I hear when someone figures the industry/profession I am in.

My answer is pretty simple. Some of you may have even heard it before.

I don’t waste time thinking about the market because I know these 2 fundamental truths and you should too.

a. I don’t know what the market will do in the short term. No one knows either.

b. I know what the market will do in the long term. It will go up.

Thus, why on earth will I waste time on predicting the next 15% when the focus is clearly on the next 300%+.

Instead, what we focus (even obsess) on is to ensure you will have enough to beat lifestyle inflation and taxes. We think about your ability to create multigenerational wealth and for your money to outlive you. We think and work on helping you live the life you have imagined with your money. We also focus on ensuring that you never ever have to worry about money and that you will always have money when you need it.

Isn’t this what you should be realistically expecting from a Real Financial Professional?