Do you know the answer to this headline question?It’s called discounting, which converts a future cash flow into its equivalent present value. An assets (or investments) present ....Read More
A few weeks back, I had written a post titled “You need a Real Financial Planner more than any Product, Investment or Strategy”.I had shared the concept of a Real Financial Pla ....Read More
The visual above captures a critical lesson for all of us: the market might seem "too high" today, but in the long term, that perspective can change dramatically.Ho ....Read More
Naval Ravikant, Founder of AngelList writes, “There are three big decisions you make in your early life: where you live, who you are with, and what you do.If you are going to liv ....Read More
They look at the price going up - WaitThen they look at their friends making money - They WaitThen they look at their neighbours making money - They waitThen they look at some on I ....Read More
In this Nano, I am simply sharing a very powerful visual on the concept of uninformed and informed risk. I know there is a lot to unpack here and thus I will be doing a separate po ....Read More