Let’s try to answer this question together.When should we Eat?Answer: When we are hungry.When should we Rest?Answer: When we are tired.Likewise, when should we Invest?Answer: Whe ....Read More
Charlie Munger said the first. Yours truly wrote the next two.
The first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily.
The second rule - Never forget the first ....Read More
People are going to Live Longer.Lifestyle Inflation will be High. This is not the normal inflation we read about but the lifestyle inflation that impacts us.Interest Rates are like ....Read More
This is a continuation of last Friday’s Nano...Protecting oneself from media spins (in investing and other areas) involves a multifaceted approach to consuming information critic ....Read More
Let me ask you a simple question.What is more important?Short Term Prices of Stocks OrLong Term Values of CompaniesWell, these are 2 different things.I and the majority of real inv ....Read More
Let me give you a hint. It has something to do with a Nano I wrote a few weeks back “The Least Understood Line”. Never mind, let me break the suspense.The similarity is that bo ....Read More