What is the inflation rate that comes to mind when you think of inflation?For most, it’s often the rate that’s published by the respective government agencies in different coun ....Read More
There is this Warren Buffett quote that I enjoy (each time I read it). “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make simple (the original word in the q ....Read More
As investors, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed during a stock market decline. Each time it happens, it feels like this time is different. The reasons might vary, and the situation m ....Read More
Morgan Housel wrote these powerful words, “Remember the ultimate market irony: All past market declines look like opportunities; all future (and current) market declines look lik ....Read More
“Invest for the long term” is a mantra that is often repeated. "Think long term," you are told and while this is right, the long term can feel elusive, almost invisible. It’ ....Read More
Howard Marks in his book, “The Most Important Thing”, wrote, “Day traders considered themselves successful if they bought a stock at $10 and sold at $11, bought it back the n ....Read More