To live the life you have imagined with your money or to never ever worry about money, you have to be good with several money skills.How to Acquire It?How to Save it?How to Spend I ....Read More
What does your financial report card look like?A basic and often useless report card that is sent monthly or quarterly to investors is the performance of a set of investments.A wor ....Read More
We all have a choice to make.To get everything we want or to want everything we have.If you want everything you have, you are wealthy and free.But if you try to get everything you ....Read More
There is this powerful line that I read somewhere recently – People talk long term; I am long term.It’s a deep line if you think about it...This has been my personal philosophy ....Read More
A few months back, I was walking with an elderly gentleman, and we started talking about the intersection of life and money (and his experiences). He shared an interesting Gujarati ....Read More
There is no such thing as FREE. A price is always paid. It is just that you do not know it. There are no Guarantees (The ones who do give one are simply lying or fooling themselve ....Read More