A Message from Compounding Itself

Amar Pandit , CFA , CFP

Hello, dear investor. I am Compounding. You might have heard of me, but perhaps you haven’t truly felt my presence or understood my significance. I don’t make noise. I don’t announce my achievements on social media. I don’t boast about my performance. I am subtle, quiet, and consistent, working diligently in the background to grow your wealth, often overlooked and underappreciated. But make no mistake—I am powerful, and today, I want to share my story with you.

The Humble Beginnings

When you first encounter me, I seem modest, almost insignificant. Let me tell you a story

A Persian emperor lost a bet with one of his court members. The emperor haughtily told the court member, “Ask for whatever you want”. The court member, a mathematician, was a sharp cookie. He understood my power. He said, “My lord, all I ask for is one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard and then double the grain of rice for every following square.”

The emperor thought that the mathematician was crazy to ask for such a modest reward when he could have asked for something bigger. On the day of the reward, in front of the entire court, the emperor gave the mathematician one grain of rice for the first square. The emperor then went on to give him another grain of rice for the second square. The mathematician said, “My lord, you were to double the amounts for every following square”. The emperor said “Oh yes, Here you go.”

The third day the emperor gave 4 grains of rice, then 8, followed by 16, 32, 64 and 128. On the 14th square, the emperor had to give 2048 grains of rice. Things became interesting after 28 days when the amount of grains had crossed almost 1,000 tonnes. By the 60th day, the king had to give 1,15,29,20,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 grains of rice. The king could not pay and was declared bankrupt. The mathematician then took over the empire and lived happily ever after. By the way, there was no need to go on until the 64th square. This is the power of the work I do.

Picture this: you invest a small sum one time, say Rs.100,000 with an annual return of 10%. At the end of the first year, your investment grows to Rs.110,000. Not very exciting, right? At the end of the second year, your investment grows to Rs.121,000. This is where many investors dismiss me, thinking they understand my potential but underestimating my true power. They move on, searching for quicker, louder ways to grow their wealth.

But here’s the thing about me: I thrive on patience and time. The longer you let me work, the more remarkable my results become. It’s like planting a seed. You won’t see a mighty oak overnight, but with time, water, and sunlight, that tiny seed can grow into a towering tree, providing shade and strength for generations.

A fund that was launched in 1995 recently crossed the Rs.4,000 NAV mark. In approximately 30 years, the investment has gone up by 400 times. Isn’t this spectacular? But how many investors do you think would have got this result? Very, Very, Very Few…The truth is I take a long time to show up.

The Power of Patience

Patience is my best friend. To see my true potential, you must give me time. Consider this: if you let your Rs.100,000 grow at the same 10% annual rate, in seven years, it will have grown to almost Rs.200,000. Still, it might not seem like much. But continue to hold on, and in 21 years, your investment grows to nearly Rs.800,000. In 35 years, it’s over Rs. 3,200,000. And in 49 years, it surpasses Rs.10,000,000. This is the magic of compounding—a modest investment growing exponentially over time.

I don’t rely on sudden, dramatic gains. Instead, I build on what’s already there. Each year, your investment earns returns not just on your initial amount but also on the returns from previous years. This creates a snowball effect, where the growth accelerates over time.

The Silent Worker

I’m not flashy. You won’t see headlines about me making overnight millionaires. Instead, I am the silent worker in your portfolio. While others chase the latest stock tips, hoping for quick profits, I stay focused, methodical, and unwavering. I am not swayed by market volatility or the latest economic news. I remain constant, slowly but surely increasing your wealth.

Consider the story of Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time. He didn’t build his fortune overnight. It was through decades of patient investing, allowing me to work my magic. His secret? Letting me do what I do best—compound his returns over a long period. You might know this but 99% of his current financial net worth was built after his age 65. God bless him for allowing me to demonstrate my work in the financial world.

The Unseen Virtue

While many talk about my virtues, few truly appreciate me. They say they understand compounding, but they often look for quicker ways to wealth, dismissing the steady, reliable growth I offer. In a world obsessed with instant gratification, I am a testament to the power of long-term thinking.

Investors often chase high returns, investing in volatile markets or speculative ventures. These might bring short-term gains, but they also come with significant risks. In contrast, I offer a more stable, predictable path to wealth. I don’t promise overnight riches, but I provide a safer, more reliable way to achieve financial goals.

The Real- Life Impact

To truly understand my power, let’s look at some real-life examples. Consider two friends, Sudha and Mahesh. Both are 25 years old. Sudha starts investing Rs. 5,000 a month in a fund that earns an average annual return of 12%. Mahesh, on the other hand, decides to wait until he is 35 to start investing, contributing the same Rs.5,000 a month.

By the time they both reach 65, Sudha, who invested for 40 years, will have accumulated nearly Rs.4.6 Crore. Mahesh, who invested for 30 years, will have about Rs. 1.46 Crore. The difference is striking. Despite investing the same monthly amount, Sudha’s early start and patience allowed me to work my magic, resulting in significantly greater wealth.

My Call to Action

Dear investor, I urge you to embrace my power. Start early, be patient, and stay committed. Don’t be swayed by the noise of the market or the lure of quick riches. Understand that true wealth is built over time, and I am the key to achieving it.

Here’s how you can harness my power:

1. Start Now: The sooner you start, the more time I have to work. Even small investments can grow substantially over time.

2. Stay Consistent: Regular, consistent investments, even if they’re small, can lead to significant growth. Treat your investments like a regular bill—something you commit to every month.

3. Be Patient: Understand that I work best over long periods. Don’t be discouraged by short-term market fluctuations. Trust in the process and give me the time I need.

4. Reinvest Your Earnings: Reinvest any dividends or interest earned. This accelerates the compounding process and enhances your returns.

5. Diversify: Spread your investments across various asset classes to minimize risk. A diversified portfolio allows me to work more effectively.

6. Avoid Panic: Market downturns are inevitable. Don’t panic and withdraw your investments during these times. Stay the course and let me do my job.

I am Compounding, the quiet force behind some of the world’s greatest fortunes. I don’t need to boast or show off because my results speak for themselves. Embrace my power, trust in the process, and you will see the extraordinary results I can deliver over time. Wealth isn’t built overnight. It’s built through patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of the silent, powerful work I do. Let me help you achieve your financial dreams, one quiet, steady step at a time.

If people truly understood me or let me work for them, there would be many, many more millionaires and billionaires on this earth. Sadly, there are so many missing millionaires and billionaires—those who could have achieved great wealth if only they had trusted in my silent power. It’s not the lack of opportunities or resources that holds most people back; it’s the lack of patience and understanding of how I work. They chase the flashy, the immediate, and the guaranteed, while ignoring the steady, reliable growth I offer.

So, I ask you, dear investor: Do you believe in the silent work I do? Will you let me work for you, quietly and diligently, to build your wealth over time? Trust in me, start now, stay consistent, and be patient. Embrace the power of compounding, and you could be one of the many who realize their financial dreams, joining the ranks of those who have harnessed the extraordinary potential I offer. The journey may be slow and steady, but the destination is worth it, let me guide you there.