What does your financial report card look like?A basic and often useless report card that is sent monthly or quarterly to investors is the performance of a set of investments.A wor ....Read More
One of my favourite poems is by Monk, Teacher, and Author, Thich Nhat Hanh.“They don’t publish the good news.The good news is published by us.We have a special edition every mo ....Read More
This is in continuation to my previous Nano “It’s unbelievably easy”. In that Nano, I had mentioned the Media Scare. Read it quickly again to jog your memory.I share some com ....Read More
There is no such thing as FREE. A price is always paid. It is just that you do not know it. There are no Guarantees (The ones who do give one are simply lying or fooling themselve ....Read More
Many in the investing world would have heard of Jim Cramer, the (in)famous host of the US CNBC show “Mad Money”. You would have too. If you have not, trust me you have not miss ....Read More
A sincere "Thank You" to all of you who responded with your thoughts and explanations.Majority of the responses I received were favouring option (b) and some chose both while givin ....Read More