One of my favourite poems is by Monk, Teacher, and Author, Thich Nhat Hanh.“They don’t publish the good news.The good news is published by us.We have a special edition every mo ....Read More
John D. Rockefeller (considered as the richest man in history) was once asked, “How much money is Enough?”His response, “Just a little More.”What does this tell you?Three t ....Read More
People are going to Live Longer.Lifestyle Inflation will be High. This is not the normal inflation we read about but the lifestyle inflation that impacts us.Interest Rates are like ....Read More
I have written extensively about Compounding. It’s one of my favourite themes and needless to say, it forms the bedrock of investing as well as our lives.
Everything we do is imp ....Read More
“Invest for the long term” is a mantra that is often repeated. "Think long term," you are told and while this is right, the long term can feel elusive, almost invisible. It’ ....Read More
The following is some food for thought.1. The US Election Uncertainty is Over.2. Serious Vaccine Progress made by Pfizer and Moderna. At some point of time, we might have a Vaccine ....Read More