The Illusion of “Easier Times”

Amar Pandit , CFA , CFP


The visual above captures something we all experience.

When we look back, life feels simple.
“Those were the good days.”
“Life was so easy.”

But was it really?

Think about the past.
Did we not face challenges?
Market crashes, recessions, wars, inflation, political instability.
They were all there.
But with time, our memory softens the sharp edges.

We survived those moments.
We adapted.
We moved forward.
And now, they seem like distant blips in a smooth journey.

Now shift your gaze to the future.
It feels uncertain.
“What if the market crashes?”
“What about inflation?”
“What if there’s another recession?”

Suddenly, fear creeps in.
Anxiety takes over.
It feels like the future will be filled with chaos.

But here’s the truth—this feeling isn’t new.
Every generation has felt it.
Every investor has worried about what’s next.
And yet, markets have grown.
Economies have expanded.
We’ve moved past every crisis.

The gap between how we remember the past and how we fear the future is where bad decisions are born.
It makes us hold back.
It makes us think, “Now is not the right time.”

But when is the right time?
When things feel certain?
That day never comes.

The only certainty is uncertainty.
And despite it, growth happens.

So, invest not because the future feels easy.
Invest because growth happens through the noise, not in its absence.
In a few years, today will feel like the “good old days.”

Wouldn’t it be great to know you made the right choices when it mattered most?