The Bullshit Filter
In the last few weeks, I had written some thoughts about why the markets are going up, the Best 20 days of the Last 20 years (you can extend this to 50 with the same results), and how ignoring the noise around you is healthy for your mind, behaviour, health and money.
However, this is the reality in the current market.

Anyone and everyone is trading and thinking he/she is the next investing genius the world is yet to discover. There are other idiots who are launching courses to help them trade and burn their fingers.
This is absolutely similar to the sketch given below.

Everyone is selling Bullshit in the name of a COVID-19 cure. New Businesses are launched daily with someone preaching about making YOU virus proof.
While some of these VIRUS theories as well as some of the gloom doom stories about the market seem very believable, they are nothing more than Crap (another term for Bullshit).
No one knows whether the markets will go up or down and frankly it absolutely does not matter if you have planned well and behave well. The markets will do what they have to do, and we need to do what we need to do and for all of us it means Looking at our Personal Economy and What’s Happening in our Lives.
Sadly, there is no BullShit Filter, but I know most of you should be able to see through it. I will build a simple one that enables you to quickly identify it and stay focused.
Stay Tuned for more Details.