We are all familiar with “Buy Now Pay Later” schemes. We come across them every day.
A typical pitch is “Want to Buy something. Don’t have the Money now. Don’t Worry. We have your back. We have a special 0% interest (and no down payment) offer for you.”
And this is Serious Big Business as we live in a world of instant gratification.
This insightful tweet however covers the Ultimate Buy Now, Pay Later scheme.
Everything comes at a COST. Sorry a PRICE. There is nothing called FREE (or CHEAP).
If we get something FREE or CHEAPER Now, we will have to Pay the Price for this Later (in some form).
How times change quickly across generations?In the context of money, first it was “In Gold We Trust.”Then it was (rather is), “In God We Trust.”
N ....Read More
Last Friday, I wrote about waves and storms being an integral part of the stock markets. While I was reflecting on the Nano for this week, I read something insightful in an email f ....Read More
Wealth is not a Number; It’s a feeling of having Enough.It’s an absence of worry. It’s an ability to sleep well at night.It’s a feeling of abundance. It’s b ....Read More
Some people naively say “I never plan. I just go with the flow”, while many believe in the process of planning.
What about you?
Here are 2 statements for you to reflect o ....Read More
This sketch perfectly captures a concept that is critical for all of us to understand: risk is often what we don't see or expect.
We plan. We strategize. We think through ev ....Read More
Imagine you meet the CEO of a successful company. The CEO has an executive leadership team, but the team members have never met each other. In fact, they don’t even collaborate w ....Read More