We are all familiar with “Buy Now Pay Later” schemes. We come across them every day. A typical pitch is “Want to Buy something. Don’t have the Money now. Don’t Worry. We ....Read More
Are you wondering what this number written as a headline means?I am sure you are.I had written a post headlined “Decision and Outcome” on November 2nd. One of the key points of ....Read More
Selling because the markets are going up is crazy...Selling because the markets are going nowhere is crazier...Selling because the markets are going down is craziest...These statem ....Read More
I abruptly ended my previous post as there were too many important points that came up while I was writing it. If you wish to reread the previous post, click here.
I ended the prev ....Read More
I had written a post about Diversified or Deworsified some time back. Many of you loved it and I got some interesting feedback.I will not go very technical (or consider all nuanc ....Read More
“Invest for the long term” is a mantra that is often repeated. "Think long term," you are told and while this is right, the long term can feel elusive, almost invisible. It’ ....Read More